Sunday, December 12, 2010
The So-So Voyage of The Dawn Treader

Thursday, October 21, 2010
The 2010 Pumpkins
Well, in spite of rumors to the contrary, I have not abandoned my blog. I've just been a little bit lazy in my updates as of late. However, it is now that important time of year were I present to the world the fruits of my pumpkin patch. As I indicated in previous posts, this year's patch has not yielded any big pumpkins. This saddened me greatly especially since this was the first year that I planted "Big Max." So, I had really been hoping for some mega pumpkins. However, 'twas not to be. At first I thought that the primary problem was the weather but now I think it was more of a problem with crop rotation. It seems that when you grow the same plant in the same spot three years in a row you don't get as good results. Who knew?! So, since I have a crop of diminutive pumpkins I decided this year to name them all after equally diminutive characters from some of my favorite (and not so favorite) books. A special Halloween treat to the person who can successfully identify the book that each and every one of these twelve pumpkins got their names from.* So, with no further ado, I proudly present to all one of you Ryan's Pumpkin Patch 2010!
Back Row: Old Fatty Lumpkin (10.2 lbs), Frodo (4.4 lbs), General Woundwart (4.2 lbs), Reepicheep (4.4 lbs), Gorbert (7.8 lbs) - Front Row: Samwise (4.4 lbs), D.L.F. (6.0 lbs), Trufflehunter (4.6 lbs), Jenks (4.0 lbs), Griphook (4.0 lbs)
*Open to legal U.S. Residents. Void where prohibited; please see official rules (if there were any). My wife and my sister Shanna are not eligible because I've told them all or most of the answers at some point. No treat if you cheat by typing the names into a search engine.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
First Pumpkin of 2010
Sunday, August 8, 2010
So, I would like to take a moment to brag a little about the incredible woman I married. She does so much more for our family than I could ever even begin to give her the proper credit for but I want to mention just two things that she has done recently that have reminded me of how awesomely awesome Alisa is. First, earlier this week we went down to a title company to sign the papers to refinance our mortgage. This was a really good deal we got and it will save us nearly $200 per month. I want you to know that I did essentially nothing to bring this about. Alisa made all the phone calls, set all the appointments. I just signed the stuff she needed me to sign and sent one e-mail that they needed to have from me. This involved an immense amount of work on her part and I am so grateful to her for taking care of it all for us. The second thing I wanted to mention was Alisa's great work on our son Collin's 2nd birthday. She organized the celebration, bought all the presents and made the incredible tractor cake you see below. Yeah, she made that from pretty much just a picture she found on the internet and some very general instructions. Pretty freakin' sweet, huh? She's good-looking and smart. And, I know something about being good-looking and smart. I have come to the conclusion that Alisa must not really be from Idaho. I think she must be from the planet Krypton because she is not just a wife; she is a Superwife!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
The Pumpkins Are Coming! The Pumpkins Are Coming!
As you can see from these pictures my pumpkin patch has started to produce a lot of pumpkins. I took these pictures a few days ago and many of these are a lot bigger now and there are a few new pumpkins that have since started to grow.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
FINALLY! Merlin Season 2

So, there you have it; the long awaited review. I hope that both of you found it satisfactory.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Friday, July 23, 2010
Sunday, July 4, 2010
The Great Merlin Conundrum - Part II

Sunday, June 13, 2010
R.I.P. Hummer
Monday, May 31, 2010
Hummer is BACK!
It is official; Hummer the Hummingbird has returned to our apple tree. Today I was out in the yard and I looked up to notice that her old nest looked a bit bigger than it had been. So, I got up on the ladder and looked inside to find two little eggs that looked just like a couple of white jelly beans. I saw her a couple of times since then. Good thing I got the hummingbird feeders up a while ago. I'll let everybody know when the eggs hatch.
Chuck Season III

Thursday, May 27, 2010
Jack Closes His Eyes - The End of LOST

Monday, May 24, 2010
It's A Sign!!
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Fringe does it again!

Thursday, May 20, 2010
Just Another Office Episode

Wednesday, May 19, 2010
The "V" Season Finale

Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Dan & Jordan Win The Amazing Race 16

Sunday, May 9, 2010
It's that time of the year again!
Saturday, May 1, 2010
10 Months from Today!!

Friday, April 30, 2010
The end of 101.9 The End

So, the big question is: What am I gonna listen to on my drive to work now? Well, I listen to KSL News Radio on my way home but that's not a viable option for the morning. Why you ask? Well, I will tell you. I can't stand listening to Amanda Dickson. Now, please don't misunderstand; I have no doubt that she is a delightful person. In fact, that is part of the problem. She is just too freakin' perky. Seriously, that woman could be talking about a baby being murdered and still sound like she's about to erupt into a fit of giggles. I mean, her voice is so sugary sweet I'm surprised she doesn't get cavities just from talking. She's kinda the opposite of Richard G. Scott who always sounds like he's about to start crying. Now, on the exceedingly unlikely event that Ms. Dickson should read this post I would like to say: I'm sorry. It's not you; it's me. Or better yet: It's not you, it's just your voice. If you are saddened by reading this I will happily bake you a delicious pound cake and add you as a facebook friend.
Anyway, if anybody has any suggestions of a new radio station for me to listen to in the morning I would be happy to hear it. And for those of you who love Amanda Dickson and find her voice wonderfully delightful, please feel free to scold me and call me names.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Hot Springs Arkansas Quarter

Spooky Ghosts in Miami

Sunday, April 11, 2010
I looked out the window and what did I see?
Well, it's that time of year again. Our apricot tree is laden with blossoms and the bees are swarming around it. I was out there with Collin a few days ago showing him all the blossoms and trying my best to keep him from ripping them off the tree. We are very much hoping that he will be a big fan of apricots because, as usual, we should have tons of them.
Now, whenever Collin sees the tree he tries to say popcorn because we have started singing that song more often. At least he will grow up understanding it. When I was a wee little lad I had no apricot tree in my yard so I really never understood the association between an apricot tree and popcorn. There was even a time when I was really little that I actually thought that the blossoms on an apricot tree literally exploded off the tree. Of course, as any little boy would, I thought that would be pretty cool to see.
Now, whenever Collin sees the tree he tries to say popcorn because we have started singing that song more often. At least he will grow up understanding it. When I was a wee little lad I had no apricot tree in my yard so I really never understood the association between an apricot tree and popcorn. There was even a time when I was really little that I actually thought that the blossoms on an apricot tree literally exploded off the tree. Of course, as any little boy would, I thought that would be pretty cool to see.
Friday, March 19, 2010
It's amazing. You get a job and all of a sudden you find you don't have time to do blog posts nearly as much. Oh well, I guess there are worse problems to have.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
The Great Merlin Conundrum

- I can spend a ludicrous amount of money and get cable or satellite.
- I can wait for several months until the show comes out on DVD and either buy it or try to check it out at the library.
- I can try to find someone who gets The SyFy Channel and by employing my considerable charm and mad baking skills convince them to record the episodes for me.
- I can look into buying the episodes on iTunes as they become available.
Of course, there may be other possible solutions to this sticky problem but, those are all the ones I can think of at the moment. If anyone has any bright ideas I will be happy to hear them.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Farewell to the Dollhouse

- It came from the mind of Josh Whedon. Now that is not meant as an insult to the show's mastermind but the fact of the matter is, Josh Whedon tends to make some really quirky shows that often don't have mass appeal.
- Eliza Dushku is kind of a twit. Sorry, she's a decent actress (as she clearly showed in the finale) but when it comes down to it she probably just wasn't the right person for this role. She simply doesn't play the "butt-kick chick" part of her role very convincingly. It also didn't help that she's the star of the show and she seemed to be upstaged by Fran Kranz, Enver Gjokaj and most every other member of the cast.

So, whatever the reasons may be, it's over and I for one am sad to see it go. I shall however, take comfort in the fact that at least LOST returns this week.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Work Update
Well, I know that all of you have been simply dying for an update. I have been at my new job for a little over two weeks and things are going very well. I am steadily learning my duties and though I still have a ways to go I feel really good about what has happened so far.
Alisa's last day of work is February 3rd and she is so excited to be able to stay home with Collin.
Alisa's last day of work is February 3rd and she is so excited to be able to stay home with Collin.
Monday, January 4, 2010
At 10:30am on Thursday December 31, 2009 I had the chance to interview with a Freight Forwarder in the area called Air & Sea International/Freightlink. About a half-hour after I got home they called me up and offered me a position in their Operations Department. Alisa and I took the weekend to talk it over and come to a decision. This morning I called them up and accepted the job.
I have been out of work for about 14 and a half months. Alisa and I are very grateful to everyone out there that has helped us and prayed for us throughout this difficult time. In particular I want to thank the McAllisters who have watched Collin during most of the job interviews I have had over the past months.
I officially start on January 12th. I am really looking forward to getting back out into the workforce. Thank you all again for everything you have done for our family.
Owing to the fact that this is such an exciting occasion I have decided that I need to celebrate. And what better way to celebrate than with a 21 gun salute?! Well, I'll tell you. A better way to celebrate would be to 1 up a 21 gun salute and do a 22 gun salute. But you know, this is so monumental that I need to 1 up the 1 up and make a 23 gun salute. I could 1 up the 1 uped 1 up and go for 24 but that would be just getting carried away. So, I give you the 23 gun salute brought to you by some of my favorite TV shows.

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