Well, I went to the mailbox a few minutes ago to get the mail and found something there I had been really fearing. No, not any packages with strange white powder, no letter bombs, no divorce papers. As most of you should know I had a job interview almost 2 weeks ago. What I found lurking in my mailbox was a very polite rejection letter from that company. I was a bit sad to say the least but I guess that this job was just not the right thing for me and my family.
I would very much like to express my gratitude to all of you who have been praying for me during these seven long months of my unemployment. It really does mean a lot to me and my family to have your support. I will keep you all posted.
But, on the bright side, we also got the new copy of the Ensign and Alisa and I both received coupons for free candy bars. See, life's not all bad!
Free candy bars are tender mercies when they come in the same mailbox with rejection letters! So sorry. Nathan had two interviews this week with a company, but we do not expect an offer. So crazy!